Thursday, January 05, 2012


Since it's been super cold here in New York City, I wanted to post a funny hair-related story that I have from my years at Penn State.

As many of you know, Pennslyvania winters can be quite brutal. During my first winter semester at Univerisity Park, I experienced a bunch of extremely cold winters, sometimes with temeperatures dipping as low as 0 degrees F.


I remember during one particular cold and frosty day, I'd used some coconut oil on my extremely dry and thirsty hair. I'd heard for years that coconut oil had the power to penetrate hair strands and I was really excited to see what it could do for me. Unfortunately, I'd chosen the wrong day!

I my warm room, the coconut oil was liquid and was the perfect smooth consistency to apply to my hair. However, I never knew before that day--- COCONUT OIL SOLIDIFIES!!!!!

The very cold temperature froze my bangs and the combination of wind and cold, cold air left my hand standing on end!

I know not to do that anymore...

This week in New York, my oil of choice has been castor.

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