Thursday, June 28, 2012

My favorite fruit--- full of natural anti-oxidants.

Everyone in the office knows that I love fruit.

There was a time where I was eating fruit morning for breakfast and sometimes even at night! Although I love them because they are usually sweet, easy to eat and bursting with flavor--

Strawberries are full of awesome benefits for your overall health!

Great antioxidant agent! 
They provide a great dose of Vitamin C! 
Anti inflammatory properties!
and.... Potassium, Vitamin K, and Magnesium in these berries are all GREAT for bone health!

How's that for a superfruit? 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Fragrance of S-Series Shampoo Coming Soon!

I am so excited about the release of our new shampoo fragrance!

This scent is new, fresh, sophisticated, and truly unlike anything we've had before.
BE SURE to look out for our July issue of the e-CURE Newsletter for the reveal of our newest S-Series Shampoo!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

UNIQLO-- great savings!

Yesterday I went to UNIQLO and picked up some really great items! For those of you who live in New York City, you may have seen the UNIQLO ads on the subway or even seen tourists pass by with the shopping bags in hand, often with a cartoon character like Mickey Mouse or Hello Kitty on the other side.

From the outside, the UNIQLO store may just look like a glorified GAP but, it's so much more.

Although the clothes in UNIQLO are colorful, they are quite plain and simple in design. This is definetely a place to find staples for your outfits!  That is why I ended up going to the store after work yesterday when I heard how big of a sale they were having. One of the stores I've ALWAYS gone to when I was in need of some pants or denim jeans has been the GAP. I always felt that the jeans there fit me the best but, recently, I was tempted to (and took the plunge) in branching out.

These jeans (Skinny Straight Jeans) were on sale for only $19.90 each (which is a GREAT bargain!). The jeans are usually only $39.90 anyway but, the signage in the store shared that this is their way of introducing people to their jeans without having to make that 100% investment up front.

I am excited to wear my jeans and if you are NYC, make sure you hop on over to closest UNIQLO near you before it's too late!